Eagle Mill receives more historic tax credits; developers apply for millions more

The Berkshire Edge

“Lately it seems that good news just keeps on flowing for the Eagle Mill project… In August when Eagle Mill won its first round of tax credits, the project got a public relations boost when a group of VIPs descended on the mill to announce the big win. Those credits are widely viewed as the most important funding step toward the redevelopment of the dormant site. Speaking at that time were town officials, Pignatelli, state Sen. Adam Hinds, D-Pittsfield, and U.S. Rep. Richard Neal, D-Springfield, whom Cohen credited for doing much of the heavy lifting to help Eagle Mill win that first round of tax credits.”

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Jobs & EconomyGuest User
Retirement industry looks for encore to SECURE Act

Pensions & Investments

“Even with the passage of the first retirement security package in more than a decade shortly before the holiday recess, there is more retirement-related legislation that could get a look in 2020… In the House, Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, has indicated that work on retirement security bills does not end with the SECURE Act.”

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